Join UChat certified mini app builder program
Learn how to build mini apps from UChat team, and get offical referral work from our customers, limited spots available!
Learn from the experts

What's in it for you
Learn from the experts, get training and help to understand how to build mini apps directly from the UChat team.
Get referral work from UChat officially or publish paid mini app, earn 70% commission.
Interested to get started?
We only accept 4 mini app candidates for every enrolment. You don't want to miss this opportunity, click the button below to submit your application.
Here is what we are expecting from you.
Must finished our mini app 2.0 demo video & help documents.
Must have proper developer knowledge of Javascript, oAuth, Http request, restAPI, etc. The program is not a learning from scratch program.
Can build the RazorPay demo mini app by following our demo videos & help documents
Have a learning attitude
A good team player, and able to understand the task and have the ability to build assigned mini apps.
Learning Resources
It's better you already have some solid developer background. Below resources will help to familiar yourself with our mini app 2.0 development.
Set up in seconds
Watch our RazorPay mini app video demo here, and the demo video covers all the necessary skill element, like create action & triggers, and it's connected through API key to authenticate.
Connect to your tools
Read the mini app 2.0 help documentation here, and you will learn how to use our visual drag & drop flow builder to build your mini apps.
Gain visibility
If you are trying to certified oAuth skills for the mini apps, here is a sample help documentation that would help you understand this feature better.

After submitting the application, the UChat team will have a call with you, to see if you are a good fit, then you will move to the next step.
You will be invited to our group chat, and we will guide you if you need training.

You will be assigned mini app to work with and the timeline to complete these mini apps in UChat.
We will review your work & give you feedback if there is any.
Once the target mini apps (5+ mini apps) have been completed, you will be our certified UChat mini app builders, and get access to all the benefits on this page.

If you are qualified, we will collect your profile information and list you as our offical certified mini app builder, & send you referral work from our future customer's request.
Frequestly Asked Questions
Can't find your answer below? Hit us up on live chat!
How do I know if I am qualified?
If you can build the razorpay mini app by following our demo video & help documents. Then you have the necessary skills to join this program!
Don't wait up, submit your application today!
Do you have any limits about the application/certified chatbot builders?
Due to the capacity of the our team, we plan to only train or work with 4 applicants to start with.
We will open up more opportunity in the near future once our milestone goal has been completed.
Am I certain I will get certified?
This will depending on your work quality and understanding of our platform.
We will evaluate your ability and skils by end of the training, we are willing to help you grow your skills with the part that you are not familiar with.
For the mini app certified program, we will certified below skills:
- Able to build mini app actions
- Able to build mini app triggers
- Familiar with oAuth
- Familiar with API key authentication
- Familiar with Javascript
So I would say that you have very huge chance to get certified! :)
What can I do if I am certified?
You can publish free or paid mini apps, and for the paid mini apps, if our user purchase this mini app, you will get 70% sales commission.
Also, you will be listed as offical certified mini app chatbot builders. If there is request from our user base, we will referral them to contact with you directly.
What's the main work for getting certified?
The main work is to build 3-5 mini apps assigned by UChat.
You will learn & get familiar with our platform along the way, if you need help or trainings, you can request help from one of our team members.
How many mini apps do I need to help with?
We are looking at around 3-5 mini apps at least within 2-3 weeks timeframe.
According to your skills set, you can build the mini apps that have triggers, actions, or different authentication types.
Would you have any trainings to help us get started?
Yes, of course, there is a learning resource on this page, you can go through all of that, so that you can have basic understanding of the skills required.
Also, for every enrolment, we are having weekly zoom calls to answer your questions.
How can I get future referal work?
First of all, you will be listed on our offical website. If we receive request from clients directly, we will refer them to our offical certified mini app builder list.
The client can contact anyone on the list, you can negotiate directly with clients on the project. You can keep 100% of the revenue in this case.
We also offer "UChat guarantee" project, UChat will be involved in the project, we will connect client with you, and make sure the project meet the clients requirement. You will get 70% of the revenue in this case.
Ready to get started?
This is our first investment in training certified mini app builders for UChat.
You don't want to miss this opportunity, click the button below to submit your application.