3 ways of getting more leads

Everyone always says getting leads is easy, but when actually trying it yourself it can be pretty difficult sometimes.

But no worries as we’ve got you covered!
In this article, we will share 3 easy ways of getting more leads into your chatbot so that you do not have to worry about running dry ever again!
So let’s get to the good stuff!
Set up your online channels and share content
There is nothing more important than being able to build your presence and there is no better place to do so than on social media.
It is easy and completely free to create your accounts on the channels and your reach organically will grow over time.
Besides the easy aspects it also comes with quite some advantages when you combine this with chatbots.
Since UChat has 12 channels and still counting, you can connect to, this results in being able to connect your chatbot to all those channels.
Google My Business
One of those channels is Google My Business (GMB). This is a perfect channel for local based businesses like restaurants, plumbers, electricians, beauty salons and more.
Many people search through Google for local businesses and they are shown on Google Maps. By having the chatbot enabled on your Google My Business account, people will see a chat button on your profile, which in turn is much more appealing to calling for most people.

So this channel alone opens up a complete new stream of fresh leads that you can onboard into your chatbot completely automated
Popular social media
Other channels like Facebook and Instagram are also huge channels to get new leads on.
The trick with these channels will be to produce content…. And lots of it!
Also use certain hashtags that fit your niche well. Especially Instagram is great when wanting to add hashtags as people search for specific content all the time by topics.
So if you add that topic as a hashtag then chances are really high they end up at your page and take a look at what you have to offer.
But you will need to produce quality content that your followers might be interested in watching.
Then when the follower can resonate with you, that is the time to convert them into a subscriber inside your chatbot.
Several ways to do so, which we will come back to in a little bit, but always be sure to create or share content that your followers might like.
Getting leads online
With UChat it is really easy to get leads online. We provide several tools for that which we will get in to shortly, but as with any lead you will also have to prepare something of value for the person to receive and opt-in to (leadmagnet).
Live chat widget
UChat brings you a live chat widget that integrates directly with your Facebook page. You can embed this onto your website. You can drive traffic to your website and people can chat live with your business through the connected chatbot.

Huge advantage is you do not need to be online 24/7 as the chatbot will handle this all for you. You can have 1 widget for your entire website or have different ones on separate pages.
Another way to get people inside your chatbot is by sharing a link. You can do this anywhere, from your website as a text link or button, up to sharing it on social media.
Just have your lead magnet ready inside your chatbot flow and point to it with the ref url…. And voilá!
Automatic leadmagnet delivery and lead signup.
Facebook/Instagram comment keyword trigger
This one is probably one of the most engaging ones as it allows you to respond to people commenting on your posts as well as liking the comment, then after that sending them a private message from the chatbot to let them opt-in after they interact.

You can even use this on your live sessions, basically inserting the post id and anyone who is commenting on your live session will get the reply and like from the chatbot along with the private message.
Talk about boosting your engagement on complete auto-pilot!
Getting leads offline
If you want to get leads offline into your chatbot it is very easy to do as well. This is perfect when wanting people who visit your store to scan the qr code and enter your chatbot, or a restaurant where customers scan the qr code on their table and order ahead or enter a loyalty program.

As you can see you can customize the qr code to your own liking by giving it any colore and inserting any image like your company logo.
You can use the qr code for online occasions as well of course.
Think about when creating a banner and you put a qr code in it where users will be able to receive something for free as a leadmagnet or during your videos or live sessions if you want to give the users some interactive content along with you presenting.
As you can see there are many ways to gain leads and most of them are easy to set up, for both offline as well as online events.
Let us know which one is your favorite one. Could be one from the above or one of your own you might want to share with us.
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